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Jubilee Arts Award 2022

An exciting Arts project which incorporates learning about the jubilee and commonwealth art and working collaboratively with a partner maintained primary school. Children will receive an Arts Award Discover or Explore accreditation.


1. For pupils to gain new Art, History, English and research skills and to continue to assist with the recovery curriculum post-lockdown. 

2. For all pupils to gain a Discover or Explore Arts Award accreditation.

3. For pupils to learn about British values and consider royalty across the world.

4. For schools to work collaboratively and for staff to share best practice.



This is the second year of this Arts partnership between Withington Girls' School and St James Church of England Primary School. As this is the year of the Jubilee - an Arts Award on this theme was created by our Arts Award co-ordinator. She produced the portfolios for both schools and has shared best practice with a colleague from St James on how to deliver the programme. 

Pupils have designed bunting, plates, coats of arms and have researched Royal Collections around the world.



All resources were produced by our Arts Award co-ordinator. Portfolios were provided free of charge to all the year 4 children involved in the programme at St James. 


On successful completion of the course and with a full and exciting portfolio of work, each pupil will be presented with an Arts Council England accredited Arts Award Discover or Explore certificate. This award is the first and second of many levels on the Arts Award scheme and is a fantastic opportunity for all pupils to develop their practical artistic abilities alongside strengthening their communication skills.

Towards the end of the summer term, we will share our work together over video calls. The children from each school will talk to each other and provide feedback on the art they have produced. 

Pupil Involvement

32 Year 4 children at St James.

60 Year 5-6 children at Withington Girls' School.


We hope that this partnership will continue to run yearly. 

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