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Governor at St Teresa's Primary School, Stretford.

Withington's Head of year 10, and a Chemistry teacher, has been on the board of governors for St Teresa's Primary school, a local maintained primary school, since 2016.


The partnership has arisen as our staff member has a child at the school. She has been a governor since 2016.


There are 222 pupils at St Teresa's, all of whom benefit from her input in the school’s governance. 

In her contributions to the governing body, our staff member helps ensure high standards of achievement for all pupils at the school. This is done by assisting in the setting of the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction and by monitoring the academic achievement of pupils.

She is also involved in fundraising for the school, assisting them in restocking their school library. SATS reading results were improved last year with a inferred link to improved access to many new books, and higher numbers of pupils visiting the the library.

She also runs Science workshops for the pupils, encouraging an interest in STEM subjects. 


Pupil Involvement

Our year 10 girls were involved in writing letters in response to letters the children had written to Santa. This aided the primary school pupils in their literacy development. 


The staff member meets monthly for governor meetings.
