Digital Wellbeing parental information sessions
In 2020 WGS worked with St James' Church of England Primary School in Rusholme and Digital Awareness UK to organise sessions for parents and pupils at both schools. Digital Awareness UK had secured funds for parental sessions that included harder to reach parents, so by working in partnership we were able to provide free parental sessions for parents from both schools and ensure more pupils and parents were able to benefit in February 2020.
In 2021, Digital Wellbeing UK approached us asking if we would like to run a similar initiative and this time we extended the invitation to all our SHiNE Together partner maintained primary schools.
To provide high quality digital awareness workshops to parents and pupils at all schools.
To provide workshops and information for harder to reach parents.
To improve pupil wellbeing at all schools.
To balance an increased use of technology during the pandemic against mental well-being of pupils.
This is a new partnership in 2020. WGS was approached by Digital Awareness as we have worked with this organisation in the past and asked if we would like to organise an event with a local partner primary school.
In 2021 we were approached again and a similar event was run in March 2021. This parents webinar focused on digital wellbeing in the times of covid.
Digital Awareness UK secured funding for the event and in 2020 it took place at St James's. Staff from both schools attended the workshops. The workshops were attended by teaching staff at St James' and Heads of Year and the Deputy Head from Withington.
Each session lasted for 1-2 hours.
In 2021, the sessions were virtual and 123 pupils attended from 15 schools.
Bury Grammar School
Chapel Street Primary school
Chorlton Church of England Primary School
Chorlton High School
Lostock High School
The Manchester Grammar School
Nether Alderley Primary School
Ravensbury Community School
Rolls Crescent Primary School
Seymour Park Primary School
St James Birch in Rusholme
St Margaret C of E Primary School
Whalley Range High School for Girls
William Hulme Grammar School
Withington Girls' School
In 2020 Year 6 pupils and parents really enjoyed their sessions and are now able to respond to the challenges of online life more effectively.
In 2020 30 parents attended the parents' session (from both schools); 30 maintained school pupils attended the pupil session.
In 2021 123 pupils attended the session; 65 of these pupils were from a maintained school.
Pupil Involvement
Pupils had the opportunity to attend a high quality digital awareness session and, through running a session for parents, pupils in different year groups can benefit from increased parental knowledge and engagement, resulting in reduced online risk.