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Shaftesbury Park Summer Camp

Pupils from Shaftesbury Park Primary School in central London spend a week on a residential summer camp at Charterhouse. The camp is run by two Charterhouse teachers and twelve sixth-form pupils, and involves a wide range of activities on- and off-site. 


To develop links between Charterhouse and Shaftesbury Park

To share Charterhouse's outdoor and residential facilities with other pupils

To support Shaftesbury Park in developing its ethos of citizenship, entrepreneurism and curiousity

To enable Charterhouse students to develop their volunteering, and especially their skills in teaching, leading, teamwork, and communication#

To support Shaftesbury Park in its education of younger children, particularly focused on those with challenging circumstances, or whose attendance has room for improvement


The link between Shaftesbury Park and Charterhouse emerged because of a parent at the former, who was also an alumna of the latter. The schools, despite different locations and ages, have shared values and a desire to widen opportunity for young people. The residential camp model was developed through dialogue between teachers at both schools, focused on what Shaftesbury Park's priorities were and how Charterhouse could support the development of these, whilst at the same time ensuring that the partnership would offer Charterhouse pupils a chance to develop their own skills and experiences. Like all good partnerships, it was founded on a spirit of mutuality and shared learning.


Residential facilities at Charterhouse, catering, sports facilities, classrooms

Off-site facilities i.e. public venues/experiences

Two teaching staff from Charterhouse involved in planning and facilitation, and a third in planning only

Five staff from Shaftesbury Park

Twelve sixth-form pupils at Charterhouse engaged as course leaders/supervisors

Charterhouse covered costs of accommodation, food and activities; Shaftesbury Park of their own staff attending the course


The impact of Charterhouse has been huge - the families appreciated a holiday for their children and were impressed by the opportunity of going to Charterhouse. The parents turned out en masse for the arrival and departure and there was a genuine feeling of excitement amongst all of them. The feedback from the parents are that their children enjoyed the experience and they are already asking me about next year.

We have noticed an improvement in attendance, confidence and behaviour from all of our children who went to the camp. The improvement in confidence from the girls is particularly striking.

The feedback I have received from the children and staff regarding the camp is simply that they had a wonderful time and were looked after with care and respect. The activities were stimulating and engaging and encouraged them to step out of the comfort zones. The food was plentiful and thoroughly enjoyed and the children loved the accommodation. The student volunteers were true role-models to the children and have hopefully inspired them to succeed.

Pupil Involvement

Twelve Charterhouse pupils (Sixth form)

Thirty Shaftesbury Park pupils (KS2)

