Community work
Chance to Shine
Charterhouse hosts matches and training sessions for the Chance to Shine charity, which seeks to spread cricket more broadly across communities.
To support Chance to Shine in developing and providing opportunities to play cricket, especially for those unlikely to receive this chance through other means
Overseen by Director of Sport (Nick Beasant) and Sports Department staff. Use of Charterhouse equipment, pitches etc
Staff subsequently interviewed for documentary on Sky Sports
Pupil Involvement:
- 15 Charterhouse pupils involved in training session
- Cricket team involved in match against CtS participants
Charterhouse is a member of a community partnership which seeks to provide opportunities in all Arts for local people.
Several organisations identified the desire to coordinate efforts to promote and provide opportunities in Fine Art, the Performing Arts and Literature in the area.
The need has been heightened by the pandemic and the limited opportunities to share Arts together and a desire to celebrate the easing of restrictions by bringing local people together through Art.
Good communication and a commitment to bringing about opportunities together is crucial.
The School's facilities are made available. These include the theatre, Hall and Chapel.
Heads of Arts Department and support staff will be involved in organising and supporting activities throughout the year, including school holidays. The School frees up staff to do this.
The time commitment over the year is approximately 30 hours of teaching staff time.
The School will donate money to support community Arts activities.
ArtGodalming formed in March 2021 and is planning an official launch in June 2022 by participating in the Jubilee celebrations in the town. This includes an art exhibition of pupil art in the Godalming Museum, with work from our pupils and pupils in other local schools.
Pupil Involvement:
Pupils aged 13-18 will be involved in creative and performing Arts once the partnership starts activities.
This is a partnership that meets monthly for an hour and is ongoing
Community Carols
As part of our Christmas celebrations (at a number of which we are delighted to welcome the public as well as parents and friends), Charterhouse pupils sing carols at a number of local care and residential centres.
During the pandemic, pupils and staff recorded performances of carols which were shared in the online Godalming Carol Service.
To contribute to communal life in Godalming, and specifically to the well-being of those living and working in care and residential centres
To share our musical resources and Anglican ethos at Christmas time.
This is an ongoing project run by the Music Department
In 2019, three centres were visited, involving two members of Charterhouse staff and two minibuses.
In 2020, recording equipment and the organ and Charterhouse Chapel were critical.
The Mayor of Godalming provided qualitative feedback thanking Charterhouse for the high quality music they shared.
Hundreds of people shared the service online.
Pupil Involvement:
- In 2019, twenty-two Charterhouse pupils (13-18)
- In 2020, approximately 20 Charterhouse pupils (13-18)
Annually at Christmas
Armistice Day
700 Carthusians died in World War I, and Armistice Day is a major event in the School calendar. Each year, a number of Charterhouse trumpet pupils visit local churches to play the Last Post and Reveille as part of community Remembrance services.
To contribute to local worship and Armistice Day services
Head of Brass at Charterhouse, David Wright, is a key figure in local musical circles and leads this annual project as a way of ensuring that local services, particularly in smaller villages, are able to include Last Post and Reveille.
-Two brass teachers
-c. 6 trumpet pupils
-Pupil Involvement
-One day per year