Coding Club for Primary School
Charterhouse pupils and staff taught weekly Coding lessons to 10 local children in our Computer Room.
The aim was to provide an enjoyable coding learning experience for primary school children and give older, Charterhouse pupils the opportunity to teach.
We approached our local partners to see if they would like to learn coding with our school facilities and older pupils.
The academic year of 21-22.
The administrative support to make practical arrangements.
The Charterhouse teacher's expertise and oversight, as well as two Charterhouse pupils' coding knowledge and ability to teach younger pupils effectively.
Primary school teachers willingness and availability to accompany their children each week.
Hour long weekly club in term-time.
Charterhouse covered all costs directly associated with the school to a total of around £1000.
Government research into effective ways to support pupils to catch up on lost learning due to school closure indicates that extra-curricular clubs support pupils to learn better overall.
Pupil Involvement
10 Year 6 pupils
2 Sixth Form pupils
Weekly, hour-long after-school club.
The intention is to continue offering the club in 22-23.