The Hugh Oldham Lecture Series
The Manchester Grammar School hosts a series of lectures, given by high-profile speakers, on a range of topics for the enrichment of pupils and communities in the local area.
The aim of The Hugh Oldham Lecture Series (named after the founder of The Manchester Grammar School) is to offer stimulating public lectures by a range of interesting speakers.
The Hugh Oldham Lecture was started in 2005. The aim was to offer encouragement to sixth form pupils in the area by inviting high-profile academic speakers. The lecture turned into a series in 2015 to celebrate The Manchester Grammar School's 500th Anniversary.
The lectures take place at MGS and previous speakers have included: Professor Richard Dawkins, Professor Lord Robert Winstone, Lord Douglas Hurd, Lord Stanley Fink, Sir Nicholas Hytner, Sir Andrew Motion, Professor Alistair McGrath, Michael Wood, Professor Mona Siddiqui, Professor Grayling, Dame Nancy Rothwell amongst others.
Pupil Involvement
In the early stages, only sixth form pupils from MGS and surrounding schools were invited, but now the lecture is open to all boys, staff, parents and friends of the School. The lecture accommodates 200.
Throughout the academic year, we host four to five lectures.