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Tandridge Music Concert

The Tandridge Music Concert is a concert of music from the partner schools in the Tandridge Music Hub.  It involves 200 students from across the hub.


The aims of the hub are to bring together musicians through Key Stages 2-4 to make music together and to promote good music making, sharing practice and expertise which benefits the students, their parents, staff and the respective schools.


The concert happened after the Director of Music at the Tandridge Music Hub suggested the idea and Woldingham School offered the use of its facilities.  The project has been established for three years.


The resources provided by Woldingham School include the auditorium, music and practice rooms, music staff and equipment.  Woldingham also provide the services of their site, technical, administrative, academic and catering staff.  The attending parents pay for their tickets and all funds raised go the Tandridge Music Hub for resources.


The impact of the concert is assessed annually after each event.  The project affords the students involved the opportunity to experience performing in a professional auditorium resulting in a sense of achievement.  The parental support and therefore funds raised through ticket sales has increased.

Pupil Involvement

170 mixed students from across seven schools from years 4 to 11 are involved alongside 10 girls from Woldingham School's Years 8 and 9.


This annual event is ongoing.