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Celebrating Whole School Masses

St Mary's is a Catholic High School in Croydon.  It is an improving school with a new leadership team recently put in place.


To celebrate mass with the whole school community who are from very different ethnic and religious backgrounds, some are of no faith at all.

The aim is to encourage pupils to participate in the spiritual life of the school as many do not practice within their own parishes.  It has been successful as pupils have planned and celebrated one liturgy together, and members of the local worshipping community are also invited to participate.


The Headteacher, who was new to the school, aims to establish the pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.  The project has been ongoing for eighteen months and has raised the Catholic values and beliefs throughout the school.


The resources are brought in from the local parish and whole school masses are celebrated in the school's PE hall.  Teaching and non teaching staff are invited for one hour. There is no financial contribution.


The outcome is a greater involvement of staff, students and members of the local community coming together to celebrate the Eucharist. Students are engaged in public reading of scripture and prayers and they participate in the mass as Altar Servers and Ushers.

Pupil Involvement

All of St Mary's mixed students are invited and girls from Woldingham's Lower and Upper Sixth are also involved.


This project is ongoing and will take place at key times in the liturgical calendar.