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Deanery Meetings for the Clergy & Study Days for Eucharistic Ministers and Readers who serve in the local parishes.

Deanery meetings allow for the planning and continued growth of the school and parishes within the Diocese and the national Church.  The study days are to help those who minister in their parishes to gain a better insight into their role and be affirmed in their particular ministry of service.


This project aims to facilitate and foster better links with the local partishes and the Diocese.  


Woldingham School's Chaplain identified the need two years ago with the Deanery Priests and the Diocese as he works closely with them.


Woldingham School provide the venue, speakers and refreshments for the meetings and students are involved in helping to organise the day and workshops.


The sharing of faith, ideas and resources compliment the ethos and mission of the school. The sharing of school resources and facilities is greatly valued by the Diocese as it provides the opportunity for Ministers from local parishes to share in a study day, to work in groups and discuss better practice returning to their parishes renewed and affirmed as true, confident practitioners.  The participants take what they have learnt and share it with others.  It is a positive experience for all and it benefits the students of Woldingham School who are involved as leaders and facilitators.

Pupil Involvement

The student facilitators are female and in the Upper and Lower Sixth Form.


Annual Study Days and Deanery Days have been held since 2015.