The John Lyon School: Medical Students Interview Workshop
John Lyon School Sixth Form students join with students from Whitmore High School to take part in shared workshops for students interested in careers in medicine and dentistry. Access to medical degrees can be difficult, the workshops aim to make the process easier to understand and navigate, the timing is deliberately early so that pupils have time across the year to prepare well for the interviews that lie ahead.
A representative from St George’s (University of London) delivered a workshop on the MMI (multi mini interview) process used to select students for many Medicine and Dentistry courses. This style of interview consists of 8-10 mini interviews, with candidates completing a different task or answering a different question in each.
The aim of the project is to share skills and access to specialist resources of the John Lyon School science and careers department with a local school.
The workshops use the John Lyon School science laboratories. John Lyon School teaching and careers staff join with teachers from Whitmore High School to deliver this activity which is delivered by staff from St George's (University of London).
Pupil Involvement
Sixth formers with an interest in studying medicine and dentistry from both Schools were invited to attend.
The workshops have run every year for the last three years, typically in January and are likely to continue.