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Cricket Workshop - Welldon Park Academy

Students from John Lyon School run a cricket workshop Welldon Park Academy pupils on a weekly basis.


Cricket is part of Welldon Park's provision to keep their pupils active in a fun way. Pupil wellbeing is important, and cricket is very popular among the children. John Lyon students engage with the children by teaching them the rules and then engaging in a fast moving game that increases pupil fitness.


The club is one of the partnership activities that have developed this year between John Lyon School and Welldon Park Academy. The club started in September 2019 as a Dodgeball Club but following interest by the pupils in Cricket changed to a Cricket club in response to their interest. 


A team of John Lyon students are supported by a member of the School's  teaching staff in running this activity at Welldon Park Academy. This is a weekly programme and it is anticipated that this will continue for the foreseeable future.


Pupils fitness will be improved. The next stage of development is to put evaluation measures into place.

Pupil Involvement

The Welldon Park pupils are Key Stage 2 and they are coached by Sixth Form students from John Lyon.


The Club is a weekly activity and wil continue at least until the end of the Spring Term and resume next Autumn.