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John Lyon School Science Workshops

The John Lyon School hosts regular workshops in Chemistry, Physics and Biology for gifted pupils from Gladstone Park Primary School.


To give the children the opportunity to carry out experiments and use the equipment in fully equipped Science laboratories. Over the years a number of pupils from Gladstone Park School have been able to explore some scientific concepts lead by the teachers at the John Lyon School.


The John Lyon School has developed this project building on an initial interest that had been expressed in developing links between the two schools. The project is now in its third year.


The John Lyon School provides use of the relevant Science laboratories and the workshops are run by John Lyon teachers supported by Science technicians. We also provide minibus transport to and from these sessions. There are usually two members of the academic staff who run each workshop that lasts for about 50 minutes.


Gladstone Park School report that their pupils enjoy these workshops and benefit from them. They are always keen to attend.

Pupil Involvement

The pupils from Gladstone Park are in Years 5 and 6.


The John Lyon School runs three Science workshops a year.