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Primary School Drama Initiative

The John Lyon Drama department and Sixth Form Drama students are working with a group of pupils from Norbury School to produce a performance piece.


The initiative offers the opportunity to Year 5 and 6 pupils to prepare for a performance in a dedicated Drama Studio under the tutelage of the Head of Drama and mentored by Sixth Form Drama students.


The initiative is one of a range of activities which have been developed in conjunction with Norbury School. The workshop started in September 2017.


The John Lyon School provides transport to and from the workshop and provides Drama Studio facilities. Two members of the Drama departement are involved and a number of Sixth Form Drama students.


The workshop will culminate in a Drama performance to which friends and family will be invited.

Pupil Involvement

John Lyon Sixth form students are working with primary school pupils from Years 5 and 6.


This is a weekly workshop that started in September 2017. The School has an ongoing commitment to this initiative.