Maths Mastery
Sixth Form mathematicians mentor pupils from Norbury, Roxeth and St George's Primary Schools each week in workshops designed to challenge able pupils to extend their mathematical understanding.
The Maths Mastery workshop builds on the partnerships established with local primary schools in other subject areas. John Lyon students are supervised by the Maths department and develop good working relationships with the visiting pupils. It is a mutually beneficial situation with both the younger children and the senior pupils developing skills as a result of this initiative.
This is part of the Co-Curricular programme that gives students the opportunity to develop the qualities enshrined in the School's values. The primary school children have been identified as having the potential to benefit from these activities and develop their skills in Maths. John Lyon students grow in confidence and develop a deeper understanding of concepts. The Primary School Initiatives programme is in its second year with Maths being a new addition for this academic year.
John Lyon provides the venue and any necessary resources. The John Lyon Maths department has oversight of the content that is being taught by our students.
Many of the benefits of this workshop will be difficult to quantify as it is anticipated these will include a growth in confidence and self esteem for all involved. Feedback will be taken from all staff and pupils involved later in the academic year.
Pupil Involvement
The students from John Lyon are in the Sixth Form and the visiting primary school pupils are in Years Five and Six.
The workshops run on a weekly basis throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms. It is anticipated that this is an ongoing programme.