Reach Out does Science Day 2015
25 girls were introduced to Adaptations in Biology, Fireworks in Chemistry and Density in Physics. There were many ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’ throughout the day, with girls creating their own sparklers and lava lamps.
The day was educational and enjoyable, introducing girls to a more colourful and exciting approach to science.
The immediate beneficiaries include all who attended made up of girls, staff and parents with wider community being each school's community. This is made possible through the access of resources on our Reach Out blog.
Partner schools have asked for sessions such as this as they find that their girls are often not inspired by Science, or that boys tend to take over in the classroom. We hope to break down the assumption that Science is a 'boys'' subject.
Science Day is planned and delivered by NGHS Science Department. The project was led by the Reach Out team, however, Physics, Biology and Chemistry compiled suitable sessions for girls in Year 5 and 6.
The event took place in the Senior School library for physics two Senior laboratories for biology and chemistry.
“The most enjoyable part of the day was watching and learning about how water can make tornadoes when you spin the bottle around a lot.”
“My favourite was chemistry because it is something different. I liked everything though! The different coloured flames were cool and I can’t believe I made my own sparklers! I also loved physics (making my own lava lamp) and biology (the cute gerbils).”