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Reach Out does Maths Challenge Day 2019

Following the success of our girls’ only science days, schools have asked us for a similar day in maths. We welcomed this feedback with our first Maths Challenge Day for gifted and talented girls on Thursday 28th March.

Rounds included Spatial Reasoning, Code Breaking, Fibonacci and a big quiz.


Stretch bright female mathematicians through a series of challenging rounds; Introduce fun approaches to maths including code breaking, spatial awareness and Fibonacci; Encourage girls to be more confident in their maths ability; Raise aspirations; Develop problem solving; Team work.


100% of attending schools ‘agreed’ that the event met the outlined aims and maths was fun.

Feedback for attending pupils includes:

Application of fluency skills to solve problems, reason and conjecture.

Golden ratio, Fibonacci Sequence, quicker ways to do Maths

Great session to really stretch the thinking of the girls & seeing them excel.

Pupil Involvement

40 girls from Year 4 and 5.

2 x NGHS Outreach Prefects.