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Wellington College ISSP

Wellington College ISSP is a partnership between Wellington College and 15 schools from the maintained sector. It has been running since 2009, initially as part of the Government scheme of the same name. During the year, there is a series of extension classes, enrichment days, lectures, workshops, university and careers fairs, individual coaching, university advice, specific Oxbridge guidance and interview practice. The ISSP exists to provide student opportunities and the programme is devised collaboratively with a steering group invited from all partner schools. In 2018-19, almost 2000 students from partner schools attended events in the ISSP programme, an increase from 1050 in 2016-17.

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In addition, Wellington College is a Teaching School. Within the Wellington College Teaching School Partnership, we work closely with partner schools

  • to provide Professional Learning (courses, workshops, teachmeets)
  • to support Initial Teacher Training via the Wokingham Federation’s School Direct Programme
  • to provide School to School support either via fully funded deployments of SLEs (Specialist Leaders of Education) or bespoke support via other avenues.