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Support for Higher Education Guidance

A Wellington College governor and one of the deputy heads have been working with the staff at Archbishop McGrath to provide support for those students aiming for the more competitive universities. This resulted in the school's first successful Cambridge application, and a pupil has now met his offer to read History at Churchill College, Cambridge.


The aims were identified by Archbishop McGrath School as part of their aims to raise university aspirations. The need identified was for specialist guidance from a school, such as Wellington College, which has a large cohort of students proceeding to Russell Group universities. The immediate beneficiaries are intended to be those pupils of Archbishop McGrath who have aspirations for the more competitive universities.


The project emerged from existing personal connections between a Wellington College Governor and a member of staff at Archbishop McGrath.  These two individuals identified the opportunity for Wellington to deliver some tailored support.  The relationship has been established for 5 years.


The key resources are staff time and know-how, and also a mutual understanding of what Archbishop McGrath needed and what Wellington can deliver. Demand on facilities was negligible. A mixture of teaching and staff and governor time was used. Costs were limited to travel and staff time; however Wellington happily absorbed any costs incurred by its own staff, and those of visits to the school by Archbishop McGrath pupils and staff.


The main impact has been the successful Cambridge Admission. We hope to repeat this success in future years.

Pupil Involvement

A small group of pupils so far; and the numbers likely to remain at this level to enable tailored support.


The project runs largely in the Autumn term, beginning with liaison regarding Archbishop McGrath who might benefit from subject specific advice on extension reading and Oxbridge applications. In late November, we do practice interviews for any students who have gained real Oxbridge interviews.