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Emmaus Catholic Schools Partnership

A partnership of Catholic schools in West London journeying together in faith.

Working collaboratively the partnership makes use of a range of resources to establish an annual programme of events and enrichment opportunities for students across all four school, and a series of training and development opportunities for staff including a focus on Catholic leadership.

Aims of the partnership:

  • To journey together in faith, drawing on our common Christian heritage and the distinctive charisms of our founders and communities

  • To bear witness to and draw our strength from the life-giving Word of God and the sacramental life of the Church

  • To be always open to new challenges and insights

  • To be unrelenting in the search for truth and the discernment of Christ’s will for us

  • To place ourselves as Catholic educators at the service of the Church’s mission, especially in the formation of young active Christian adults as servant-leaders in their communities

  • To work for social justice and the Common Good locally, nationally and internationally