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Emmaus Catholic Schools' Partnership

Launched in November, the Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership is a ground-breaking initiative from four of West London’s premier Catholic schools: The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, St Augustine’s Priory, St Benedict’s School and the Sacred Heart High School.


Collaborative working between these four schools will enable them to utilise a wide range of resources to establish an annual programme of events and enrichment opportunities for students across all four schools together with a series of training and development opportunities for staff.

This unique partnership will articulate the gospel values which underpin the ethos of all four schools. This will include setting ambitious goals for personal growth and development of both staff and students and promoting innovative approaches to learning whilst recognising the dignity of the human person –
especially those who are disadvantaged and marginalised.


The programme is called the Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership after the gospel story of disciples encountering Jesus on the road to Emmaus as they discuss the events of the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

The story signifies the importance of journeying together in faith and discovering Christ and our mission in a world which can be indifferent and often hostile. The partnership will provide opportunities for reflection, discernment and renewal of Christian faith.

It is no accident that the partnership launched on Aid to the Church in Need’s ‘Red Wednesday’, a day of solidarity with those Christians persecuted for their faith. The Emmaus Catholic Schools’ Partnership is ultimately at the service of the wider church.

Inspired by this, the Year of the Word, the importance of the Word of God and the Eucharist will be central to this joining together of four leading Catholic schools in an exciting and faith building partnership.


In developing a formal collaborative partnership the group will utilise a collective and diverse range of resources to establish an annual programme of events and enrichment opportunities for students across all four schools, and a series of training and development opportunities for staff including a focus on Catholic leadership. 

Teachers, support staff and estates teams from all four schools will be involved in facilitating the termly events. Two Year 12 Student Ambassadors from each school will also be instrumental in the planning and development of the partnership, particularly in terms of collective fundraising projects.


Each school will organise attendance at a range of workshops throughout each year to support career development and preparation for university/apprenticeship applications and  interviews  eg Aspiring Medics (St Benedict’s October) STEAM event (Sacred Heart High, June) visit to London School of Economics (March), Careers Evening (St Benedict's) and a Choral Day. 


Delivery of a number of conferences annually, initially  ‘Women Empowerment ‘ ( St Augustine’s Priory, Feb) 

Student Leadership Development

The Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School to host Sixth Form student leaders in May.


A series of planned opportunities termly –cultural events, debating,  joint performing arts events, sports tournament, all of which will grow as the partnership develops

Action for Social Justice

Events to be planned around  ‘Care for our Common Home’, fundraising for local national and global causes.

Academic opportunities for students

To be discussed and implemented in the future. 

Training and Development for staff

All four schools to be offered opportunities from the Sacred Heart Teaching School (West London Teaching School Alliance) – giving access to recruitment of trainee teachers, leadership development, support via peer to peer reviews of Subject Departments and other aspects of school life, Good Practice Networks, leadership shadowing, preparation for senior leadership including leadership in Catholic schools.


Funding challenges for state schools mean that we are able to support partner state schools with resources for the Arts in particular. One school has one music teacher for all their pupils; the partnership enables some filling of gaps, which such provision cannot supply. 

Pupil Involvement

Two Year 12 Emmaus Ambassadors from each of the four schools work together with senior leaders in planning events and sharing resources. 

The St Augustine's Priory Emmaus Ambassadors were responsible for designing and building the website for the partnership.
