Music Recitals
A group of students from YR6 – YR12 visited schools during their lunchtime (1pm – 2:20pm) to provide a short music concert. The students played individual & group pieces accompanied on the keyboard by a member of staff.
To inspire primary school children who are at the beginning of their musical journey.
To bring the school community together.
To expose the children to a variety of musical genres.
On initial visits with the schools, the head teachers said they would like their children to be inspired, particularly with regard to Music and Performing Arts.
The Music Department hold fortnightly Music Recitals within College during Friday lunchtimes. These are often to a very small audience and so it was agreed that some of these recitals could be taken elsewhere and the students exposed to a different audience. Putting the two together made good sense.
Minibuses required to transport staff and pupils to the schools.
Two members of the music department plus up to 11 students from YR6 – 12.
Packed lunches provided.
Keyboard to accompany performers.
"The children and adults really did enjoy the recitals. It was lovely to see one of our ex-pupils and hopefully they inspired some musicians of the future!" - Email received from a school.
The intention is that the Music Recitals will be offered to schools once or twice a term.