Ardingly Drama group performing in 5 local primary schools
A cast of Ardingly College yr 10 and yr12 students devised and performed a piece of drama in 5 local primary schools over the period of one week.
To help out Ardingly College Drama students in developing confidence in their public performances and working under time pressure in new surroundings, and also to help local schools with the performances that they otherwise wouldn't get. Additionally the theme of the play was around being lost and how we respond to those who come from a different place, so schools picked up on this theme in PSHE and homegroup lessons.
Through working with local partners we realised that they would greatly value this sort of collaboration as many primary schools don't have the resources to run drama.
Rehearsal time, creativity in devising the piece, props, lights and petrol.
Excellent feedback from the Heads of each school, including emails thanking us.
Pupil Involvement
Reception to year 7.
5 performances over 1 week. We will do it again next year.