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Lumina is a free, three-day summer school that Harrow School and Twyford C of E Academies Trust offer to potential Oxbridge applicants from the maintained sector at the end of Year 12. The programme includes talks from Oxbridge admissions tutors, masterclass tutorials, interview practice.


The aim of the project is to use the expertise of Harrow teachers and the resources at Harrow's disposal to help make applications to Oxford and Cambridge Universities more accessible to state-school applicants and, in particular, to demystify these universities and the application process surrounding them.

Lumina also aims to clarify the university application process more generally and to encourage candidates from all schools to aim for Oxbridge and Russell Group universities. 

The project depended on the enthusiasm of the teachers at Harrow and their willingness to be involved, and the agreement of admissions tutors and current Oxbridge students to participate as well.


The project was initiated by the Head Master of Harrow School, with the aim of offering the expertise of Harrow teachers and the resources at Harrow's disposal to help pupils from state school make applications to Oxford and Cambridge and other Russell Group universities. 


The three-day project takes place immediately after the end of Harrow's summer term. About 20 Harrow teachers, three members of staff from Harrow School Enterprises, ten external speakers and 15 Oxbrigde students are involved in the course.

Many of the school's buildings and facilities are used, including two boarding houses, and lunch is provided for the participants.

The project costs a little over £40,000. 


The project has had a positive effect on both partners. The impact is greatest on those pupils who attend the course as it gives them a good insight into applying to Oxbridge. 

Pupil Involvement

200 Year 12 state school pupils attend the course. No current Harrow pupils are involved.


The project take place over three days immediately after the end of Harrow's summer term. The intention is that the course will run each year for an indefinite period.