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Facilities use for public benefit

Most of the School’s performing arts events are open to the public, including a weekly lunchtime concert series in St Mary’s Church and annual occasions such as Town Carols, the Concerto Evening and the Choral Society concert. It has also offered art classes for senior citizens.

The Ryan Theatre is used for public events and in the summer term it hosts the Primary Shakespeare Company performance. On the 29th June the Ryan Theatre was filled with 150 children from 5 local schools, as pupils from Grange, Roxeth, St Anselm’s, Vaughan and Welldon Park performed Julius Caesar. It’s the second year that Harrow School have hosted the PSC Festival. The festival is the culmination of a term’s worth of work, accomplished as a partnership between the PSC, theatre directors, teachers and children. Harrow School help to fund the participation of partner schools through funds raised via the Long Ducker. For many of the children it was the first time that they had been in a professional theatre and teachers reported back that it was a somewhat life changing experience for their classes. The Ryan Theatre is hosting the event again next year. 

Local clubs and groups, which include young people amongst their membership, hire the School’s two astroturf pitches on weekday evenings, its indoor cricket nets throughout the winter, and its extensive outdoor pitches in July and August. Whitmore High regularly use football pitches throughout the season. The Sports Centre (including the swimming pool, tennis courts and running track) also hosts many events throughout the year, these range from regular Primary School use to school sports days and charitable events. 

The Rackets courts host a club that is open to people to come and play from inside and outside the school community. This has been ongoing for the last 35 years. Once a year on a Saturday in October we host the 'Harrow Hammer' -an evening club rackets tournament. On these occasions, we have 30-40 participants including several teenagers playing in the event from non-independent schools.

Harrow School hosts several Cross Country and Athletics fixtures throughout the year, opening up the school grounds for local schools. The first round of the ESAA Schools’ Cup is hosted at Harrow, involving around eight local schools. In the Spring the Harrow Borough Cross Country Championships are held at Harrow, as well as the Borough Athletics Championships in the Summer. For this we usually welcome around twenty local schools, including junior schools. Additionally, Marlborough Primary School uses the school cross country to train, and the John Lyon school hosts their school cross country race on our course. The school opens up its running facilities to members of the Harrow community, in particular the Metros running club for one of their training sessions, a local club that promotes fitness and community running in the area.

Pupil Involvement

All ages.


Throughout the year.