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Litter Pick

In 2022 a small litter pick was carried out by staff and students in the water marsh area beyond Northgate Garden, an area used by the general public

Previously: 15 King's School pupil volunteers joined forces with volunteers from the Canterbury community for one of the biggest litter picks and clean ups that the city has ever seen.

The clean-up was organised by the Friends of Kingsmead Field and was the first in a series of community litter picks taking place around the city during the Great British Spring Clean, a nationwide clean-up which is coordinated each year by Keep Britain Tidy.


To support the local volunteering community.


15 King's school volunteers and 2 members of staff helped for a 2 hour litter pick.


The King's school volunteers were commended for their hard work and were deemed a credit to the school.

Pupil Involvement

All ages from 14 upwards.


One off event but participation in future Canterbury city litter picks will happen.