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Community Volunteering and Donations

King's pupils volunteer and raise money for various local charitable organisations, schools, and international organisations every year.

Volunteering occurs throughout the city of Canterbury and the area, every week during term term. Volunteering takes the form of assisting in the classroom, in local shops, with litter picks and wherever we are able to make a difference in our community.

A wide variety of donations are also made through the course of each academic year. These take the form of direct gifts of useful items or of funds raised.

These have included:

- Donations of Nikon cameras to local state secondary school for their Photography curriculum.

- Donations of seven classroom whiteboard projectors and lamps to local state secondary school (approx value £1800).

- Donations of substantial amounts of equipment for use in the Duke of Edinburgh award to a local state secondary school (approx value £2000).

- Donations of reference books to art department at local state secondary school.

- Donations of over 300 pencil cases and A4 pads to local primary and secondary state school pupils (with high Pupil Premium cohorts): approx value £1,200.

- Use of the facilities at the Recreation Centre (swimming pool, squash courts, spin room, sports hall) by local charities and schools: these include training sessions for Kent Search and Rescue, use by local primary schools and secondary state schools. 

Pupils volunteer for around two hours per week in their designated placement. 

Examples include:

- Assisting in charity shops such as Oxfam, Age UK, Children's Trust, Shelter, British Heart Foundation.

- Volunteering in local primary schools (St John's, St Stephen's, Wincheap, Pilgrims' Way).


The aim of this outreach is to support the wider community through donations and fundraising. To contribute to the local community and to broaden horizons through charitable work / volunteering.


Donations and fundraising have long formed part of life at the King's School and will continue to do so. 

The need is identified by pupils and staff or through external requests.


From local school regarding D of E equipment (where kit donated was used to establish their first cohort of D of E pupils):

"Just wanted to thank you for the great supplies that we picked up on Friday. Thank you again."

Pupil Involvement

Pupils at all ages in the school are involved in raising funds and making donations, alongside parents and our wider school community. 


Donations and voluntering are ongoing. We constantly review our facilities and are aware of potential need within the community.