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Big Questions - Introduction to Philosophy

We have started a new occasional programme, "Big Questions", an introduction to Philosophy for groups of up to 17 secondary school pupils (Year 9 or higher). This is led by our Head of Philosophy. 


To introduce local pupils to Philosophy, in a university-style format.


Developed by our Head of Philosophy and promoted through our EKST partner schools. 


Use of school facilities: Gateway Chamber classroom, with lunch provided in the refectory. 

Teaching staff in attendance include Head of Philosophy and Partnerships team / EKST lead. 

No charges are made. 


Feedback from the initial Big Questions pilot event from pupils as below:

What I learned from the day:

"Knowing how to think deeply and justify your opinions with reason."

"I have thought about other aspects of the big questions and look at different views."

"I have learnt more about philosophy and famous philosophers, things about the history of the Kings school and Canterbury."

"Teachers were lovely and very friendly. I had a great time."

"We all really enjoyed the experience and appreciated the warm welcome from EKST and The King's School."

Pupil Involvement

Secondary pupils, aimed more at Year 9 or higher.


Available according on demand, up to three per year.