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External Speakers and Performances

King's has a busy programme of external speakers visiting the school to speak to subject-specific societies and more general audiences. Where possible and appropriate, these talks are opened to students and staff in secondary schools in and around Canterbury.

Some examples of past talks include:

In November, we hosted the author Ben Kane: he gave a talk to our partner Primary school St John's on Roman life, then two further talks to King's pupils and Year 10 pupils from Archbishop's School.

In February, we hosted the Etty Hillesum Foundation with a panel including Lord Rowan Williams at our facility, the Malthouse Theatre. Around sixty Sixth Form pupils attended from King's and partner schools. 

In November, we welcomed pupils from Archbishop's School Year 11 to our Classics Talk, led by the novelist Ben Kane.


To open up the opportunity to hear visiting speakers to pupils from East Kent state schools and members of the local community, on diverse subjects such as biodiversity, careers, engineering and languages.


Heads of sixth form in local state and independant schools are keen to offer their students a broad curriculum of talks.


Talks are staged in the King's School and arranged by King's School staff or students. 

Booking to attend the talks by external visitors is via the partnerships coordinator.

Pupil Involvement

Talks are open to visiting students from year 10 and above and all King's School students. Some may be more relevant for those in sixth form. Some evening performances and talks are open to members of the local community, depending on suitability and safeguarding. 


A varied programme run throughout the year.