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Breakfast Club and Experiences

Pupils attending local Primary school breakfast clubs are invited to breakfast at King's School. We rotate through the year groups (Year 3 to 6), ensuring that every child in each of these year groups (as well as their teachers) visits King's at least once for breakfast and a short tour. 

This is an opportunity for a hearty breakfast in a unique environment, for staff and pupils, which builds community links and enables us to consolidate partnership relationships and activities with the school. For example, breakfast activities are now linked to whole class visits of the Cathedral (starting Lent Term 2023), with tours led by King's staff which build on the national curriculum as well as broader learning opportunities. 

A small gift of school equipment (fully-resourced pencil case, writing pad or book) is made to each child at the end of this (and each) experience, as appropriate / available.

A team of enthusiastic student volunteers from The King's School, Canterbury also visit St. John’s Primary School to help out with their Breakfast Club. Each volunteer is designated a day and they join the St. John’s children to eat breakfast and wash up together, as well as playing quiet games and reading with them. At Christmas and at the end of the Summer term the St John's breakfast club children join us for breakfast at The King's School.

Every Wednesday a group of King's School volunteers visit St John's CEP School to run lunch clubs for the pupils. The St John's children can choose from dance, drama, art and chess club all run by our volunteers.


To build community links and inter-school relationships; to enable all pupils to enjoy a new experience, with an additional activity where possible. 


A development of an earlier programme which was paused under COVID, now broadened to include pupils from Year 3 - 6 with (from Lent term 2023) add-on experiences (Geology introduction, cathedral tours, St Augustine's Abbey tours).


Use of dining hall, provision of breakfasts. 

Use of teaching / partnerships staff to coordinate, monitor and supervise. 

Funded by King's Partnerships. 


Feedback is obtained from the local schools by email following the breakfasts. As a result of very positive feedback the programme was extended from once per half term to a fortnightly programme, depending on school availability. 

Pupil Involvement

Y3 and above, up to 30 in one sitting with additional staff. 

Volunteers from King's School.


In Autumn Term this occurred approximately four times per half term. 

Volunteering at the partner schools occurs every morning during King's School term times.