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Latin with Coombe Girls’ School

A team of sixth-formers teaches an introductory Latin course to Year 7 pupils from Coombe Girls’ School. We work from Cambridge Latin Course Book 1, which revolves around a family living in Pompeii shortly before the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79. Sessions, which are held on site at King’s, involve short presentations using an exciting E-learning resource, followed by work in small groups.


To extend the range of subjects on offer at Coombe Girls’ School. To give pupils who would not otherwise have access to it the experience of learning the Latin language. To give our sixth-formers and younger pupils the opportunity to share their knowledge of a subject they love. To give teachers in the Classics department the opportunity to work with pupils in maintained schools and to teach Classical Civilisation, which is not on our curriculum.

Critical factors: Trust, mutual respect, clear communication, designated staff in charge of the project at both schools, termly reviews of the programme. Beneficiaries: staff and pupils.


The support of the Head of Classics and two teachers in his department. Timetabled time on Friday afternoons. The projects are costly in terms of invisible expenditure (mainly salaries) but the only visible financial contributions are a budget for books and catering. 


The Coombe-King’s partnership is mentioned favourably in Ofsted and ISI inspection reports, and the vast majority of King's students involved indicated that the proect had helped develop their leadership, communication, and collaboration skills.

Pupil Involvement

A team of Year 12 & 13 teach a class of Year 7.

