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Tennis with Ronald Ross Primary School

Pupils from King's lead tennis coaching sessions with Year 5 pupils from Ronald Ross at Westside Tennis Club. Both schools are very grateful to the club for kindly donating this facility to the project. 


This project aims to devlop sporting skills in the primary school pupils and help King's pupils to develop their coaching abilities. 


Westside Tennis Club approached King's to offer the use of their  facilities for a cross-sector partnership project, and King's was delighted to be able to implement this project following consultation with Ronald Ross Primary School. 


The facilities at Westside Tennis Courts, one member of teaching staff from King's and two members of Ronald Ross teaching staff.  


Reflections take place throughout the year and the vast majority of King's pupils taking part in this project stated that it had assisted them to improve their leadership and communication skills. 

The Ronald Ross pupils have developed excellent tennis skills and have greatly enjoyed taking part in the activitiy each week. 

Pupil Involvement

Year 5 pupils from Ronald Ross work with Year 10 - 13 pupils from King's. 


The project take place for one hour weekly on Friday afternoons.