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Inspiring Children Through Science

This exciting project requires a group of committed and outgoing sixth-form scientists who are willing to deliver an inspiring practical based science course to gifted & talented younger pupils from our partner schools in the King’s laboratories. Students will have free rein to produce interesting and exciting lessons from any area of science; the content of the lessons ranged from firing rockets to making liquid nitrogen ice cream. Invaluable work experience.


To build relationships with three local schools and share resources. 

To extend the learning opportunities for 90 year 8 pupils from three local schools. 

To foster a range of new skills, including empathy and leadership, in the King's sixth formers leadning the project. 


Two specialist teachers from King's and two science labs. 

Pupil Involvement

Sixth-form from King's and year 8 pupils from Harris Academy Wimbledon, Raynes Park High School and Ricards Lodge.  


Weekly for one hour on Friday afternoons.