Arts Festival Events
A year round programme of arts activities across Oxford to involve young people in creative activities, extend their cultural experience, broaden their horizons and develop their skills. Over 3000 pupils from 40 schools participate in numerous activities culminating at the Festival in the summer. In 2017, a multilingual concert with 500 primary age children at The Sheldonian Theatre won the ‘Excellence in Musical Culture’ award from Oxfordshire County Music Service. Children at the John Radcliffe Hospital School created a series of podcasts on inspiring poems. Senior school students took part in a series of photography workshops leading to an exhibition in Frideswide Square and Cambridge Footlights held a workshop on character and comic narrative for local students.
To provide opportunities for creativity and self expression as well as exposure to talks, music, cultural events, etc. free of charge to people who would otherwise struggle to experience this.
It has run since 2009 and will continue for the forseeable future.
Venues, financial support, free tickets to events, school resources such as music, art supplies, etc., teaching and non-teaching staff time
The impact is measured through feedback from external children and teachers as well as our own staff.
Pupil Involvement
Senior school pupils and particularly Sixth Form students are involved in the festival projects.
It is an ongoing event which occurs every year as a series of events and activities both at MCS and around Oxford.