Science - Global Experiment, March 2019
On 13 March 2019 31 Year 6 pupils from Lady Boswell’s Primary School, Sevenoaks, used two Walthamstow Hall Chemistry laboratories to conduct experiments linked to the Royal Society of Chemistry Global Experiment, ‘Investigating the Vitamin C content of different fruits and vegetables.’ The experiments were supervised by Walthamstow Hall staff, technicians and Year 12 Science students. This exercise was repeated for 32 Year 5 pupils from St John’s Primary School, Sevenoaks on 20 March 2019.
The aim of involving Primary School children in the Global Experiment is to enbable them to have hands-on experience of conducting scientific experiments in science laboratories, supported by science specialists and science students.
The opportunity was identified by Walthamstow Hall's Head of Science.
The experiment uses Walthamstow Hall Science labs, and science equipment and is facilitated by Walthamstow Hall Science teachers, technicians and students. The event is fully funded by Walthamstow Hall.
The Global Experiment takes place annually. Feedback from participants and their teachers is very positive.
Pupil Involvement
Walthamstow Hall science students from Year 12 assist priomary school pupils with their experiements.
This is an annual event