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Governance at Neighbouring Schools

Two members of Walthamstow Hall's staff and a former member of staff who is now a Walthamstow Hall Governor, serve in Governorship positions at local schools.

Walthamstow Hall Geography Teacher, serves as a Foundation Governor at Lady Boswells (C.E) Primary School. The Governor attends six full governing meetings each year and services on committees for Learning and Development and Admissions, both of which have a further three meetings per academic year. Her specific responsibilities include the monitoring of SIP strand A; Mental Health and Wellbeing and SIP strand B: Data and Driving Academic Excellence. Fulfilling these roles involves making school visits on a rolling basis and submitting written reports to the Governing Body board. A full OFSTED inspection is expected imminently and all governors have received further training and information evenings in preparation.

Walthamstow Hall’s Head of Sixth Form is a member of the Digital Leadership Group at Lady Boswell’s School. This group is formed of six Year 6 students and key members of staff and parents, all with a invested interest in digital learning. This link between Lady Boswells and Walthamstow Hall is extending to include Walthamstow Hall students who will work with their counterparts at Lady Boswells to promote and educate their peers about staying safe online and getting the best out of technology.

A Walthamstow Hall Governor, and former Deputy Head Teacher, is a Governor at St John’s Primary School.


Taking up positions of Governorship enables Walthamstow Hall staff to share their knowldege and expertise more widely to the benefit of other local children. The immediate beneficiaries are the chidlren in teh schools which they serve in this capacity.


In each case the individual member of staff has put themselves forward for their role.


There is currently no quantitative data on the impact of the governorship roles taken by staff but we are seeking information on how their roles have affected the specific areas of givenroance for which they are responsible, for example, I.T usage.


Walthamstow Hall staff have a long standing tradition of serving as school governors.