Middle School Volunteering Programme
Twenty six Middle School pupils at UCS run maths mentoring clubs at five primary schools every Friday morning before school starts. Some schools use these sessions to support pupils and others use them to stretch their more able pupils.
“I really enjoy being part of the volunteering programme. I know how lucky I am to be able to go to UCS and it’s good to be able to give something to the wider community in our local area. Also, I think the teachers at the primary schools really appreciate our efforts. The children we try to help seem to enjoy being taught by someone who isn’t a teacher and is just a little older than them. It has been a truly worthwhile and rewarding experience.” Charles Quinn, Year 11, UCS
“It has been a pleasure to host the UCS volunteers. We, and the children, look forward to their weekly visits. They are a credit to you and your school and we look forward to hosting the next set of pupils next year.” Sonia Mallick, Headteacher, Kilburn Grange Primary
Every week, once a week.