Community Action and Fundraising
The students, teachers and broader school community at UCS contribute to many local and international charities throughout the year. Some examples include:
Food Bank Collection
On one day every September, pupils from the Sixth Form organise a collection of non-perishable food which is donated by members of the UCS Foundation – pupils and staff. In 2018, almost three tonnes of food was collected in a single day and this was donated to North Paddington Food Bank. Later in the year, four Lower Sixth boys decided to volunteer at the food bank on a weekly basis. In June, they ran a fundraising event for the charity at UCS which raised £1200.
Year 9 Community Challenge Day
In June, all Year 9 pupils spend a day working on a variety of local conservation projects. UCS works with The Conservation Volunteers, Hampstead Heath and GrowN22. This approximates to 650 hours of voluntary work and the pupils were justifiably pleased with their efforts.
Year 7 Wash Bag Challenge
In April, after hearing a talk from Herts Young Homeless, Year 7 pupils organised for a collection of toiletries. The boys collected and packaged the donated items together in toilet bags and each bag contained a message from the boys wishing each recipient well.
The Latin American Children’s Trust
This trust’s aim is the relief of poverty, distress and hardship and to promote the education, health and welfare of children and other members of families with children in Latin America.
There are assemblies held to promote the charities and events, as well as the support of tutors and the pastoral network to give students the confidence to take on the challenge of having ownership of their fundraising. Students learn about issues that affect their own community as well as wider national and international issues. This project allows students to get actively involved in charity work through a safe and structured environment, paving the way for them to become further involved and giving them the skills needed to make sensible choices about their contributions to society in years to come.
Mary’s Meals
Is a charity set up school feeding projects in some of the world's poorest communities, where hunger and poverty prevent children from gaining an education.There are assemblies held to promote the charities and events, as well as the support of tutors and the pastoral network to give students the confidence to take on the challenge of having ownership of their fundraising. Pupils from across the Senior School are invited to take part, with Committee members drawn from all years and events held in every corner of the school.
The MediOliver Foundation
Is a foundation focussing on projects that bring opportunities to children through education, health and sport set up in the Name of Medi Oliver Mera, who sadly passed away in the summer of 2014, just months before he was due to start the UCS Senior School. All pupils of all ages, instigated by pupils for their own community action ideas and projects.Ongoing events throughout the year.
St Mark's Academic Institute
Is dedicated to the continuing discovery and development of scientific knowledge and clinical skills applied to intestinal and colorectal disorders. This project allows students to get actively involved in charity work through a safe and structured environment, paving the way for them to become further involved and giving them the skills needed to make sensible choices about their contributions to society in years to come.