World Animal Day Competition
St Gabriel's School partnered up with Marwell Zoo to hold a World Animal day competition to raise awareness of endangered species around the world. Students age 5-11 from West Berkshire, Hampshire and Wiltshire were invited to create an informative poster to raise awareness.
The aim of the competition was to raise awareness of endangered animal in our world and raise awareness as to how we can help conserve these animals. We identified this competition through the national world animal day event.
The partnership came about through the Director of Educational partnerships at St Gabriel's and Marwell Zoo's Education coordinator. We saw this as an opportunity to highlight new environmental concerns within our community. The competition launch was new to this academic year.
St Gabriel's created and printed flyers for the event that were distributed across primary schools in West Berkshire, Hampshire and Wiltshire.
Marwell Zoo donated the prize of 1 family ticket to visit the Zoo.
Certificate for entries were distributed along with the final prize.
The students entries were detailed and to a high standard. A range of individuals entered the competition which was judged externally by community group Growing2Gether.
Pupil Involvement
Pupils from ages 5-11 were invited to enter. Entries included a range of both girls and boys across the whole age group.
We hope to offer similar events linked to world days through the academic year.