Greek & Latin Lessons
Our Classics and Latin teacher visited 2 primary schools over the year teaching year 5 students Classics and Latin for 1 hour a week. The students thoroughly enjoyed the interactive lessons.
The aim is to share our expertise with neighboring schools to broaden the knowledge of Latin and Greek Civilization opening up a new subject to our local community of children.
We hope to allow for academic progress offering opportunities to students in subjects not led by the primary national curriculum.
Areas identified were to extend the opportunities for students. Linking extension programme's to more able and talented students, while also opening up experiences to students from a range of backgrounds.
The opportunity was identified by the Principal and subject leader of Classics of St Gabriel's who is keen to add more subjects to our outreach work.
Our teacher is given 2 1 hour slots on his timetable to deliver outreach lessons to local
Junior schools. He has travelling time built in, and uses the host school's facilities.
There is no cost to the host schools.
We hope that the Junior school children will be inspired to continue their learning of Classics in the future. We hope to broaden the students knowledge of our world and to enhance historical knowledge for future opportunities and career choices.
Pupil Involvement
The classes where delivered to year 5 pupils from both host schools.
This project ran for 1 year across 2 host schools. We hope to offer more outreach opportunities at further points down the academic year.