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Weekly Primary Partnerships

From September 2024 we launched an ambitious partnership programme involving all of our Year 12 students together with 12 local primary school classes.  Each Monday afternoon, primary classes are welcomed to Alleyn's to be taught a range of diverse practical subjects including Science, Drama, Art, Computing, Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Reading and Dance - subjects that these schools would otherwise struggle to offer. During the autumn term, 130 Year 12s have been  engaged in this rich collaborative partnership work each week. Primary school pupils and staff have provided hugely encouraging feedback showing a clear benefit to our local schools, not to mention our own students. 


Supporting local primary schools in the delovery of practical KS2 content, focussing especially on areas that they struggle to offer themselves.  In doing so, our own students gain tremendous experience and learn skills not usually gleaned in a traditional classroom setting.


In most cases we have pre-existing relationships with the primary schools. Considerable work has been done to co-create these courses ensuring schemes of work are agreed together and aims clearly agreed between both parties.


We make use of timetabled teaching staff to oversee each of the lessons. This is an hour and a half each week for each member of Alleyn's staff.

Classrooms / labs and consumables.


Impact is assessed at the end of each rotation using short-form questionaires for pupils and partnership staff.

We also ask for similar feedback from our own students as a way of measuring the impact on them.

Pupil Involvement

Year 12s from Alleyn's School.

Years 3-6 in local Primary Schools



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