Alleyn's Summer School 2023
Pupils from Year 3, 4 and 5 selected by their primary school on basis of pupil premium or need for a week enjoying a range of academic subjects including dance, drama, PSCHE, swimming, first aid alongside talks from the Police and the Fire Brigade. Breakfast and lunch provided.
In mid-July we were delighted to hold the third Alleyn’s summer school. For five days children from Years 3, 4 and 5 from nine different local state primary schools and from fifty families enjoyed a packed programme of enriching creative and stretching lessons in Science, Art, Design Technology, Mathematics, English, Music, Dance, Drama, PSCHE, swimming, first aid and talks including those from the Police and the Fire Brigade. A well-earned breakfast and hot lunch was provided each day following which they threw themselves at the afternoon sports activities.
A number of members of our Junior School staff helped to teach the lessons throughout the week and our seventy Year 9 students worked enthusiastically in their support of the visiting pupils. We were very grateful to the teaching assistants, the classroom specialists and the overall programme leader Zara Long (Alleyn’s alumna) for the remarkable energy, creativity and care offered to these children during what was such a valuable week.
The aim of the Summer School is to provide every pupil (and family) with an engaging and positive educational experience to help gain confidence and enjoyment in learning so as to start the new school year positively.
Initiated as a post-Covid catch-up programme we quickly recognised the great value for local children beyond 'gap-filling' and have now held three week-long summer schools.
We have worked with teachers from local schools to give us a sense of what activities and subjects would best suit their students and feedback from pupils and their parents has been excellent.
Many members of our Junior School staff helped to teach the lessons throughout the week and our Year 9 students did an amazing job with volunteering and supporting the visiting pupils each day. One of the highlights of the week was the final afternoon presentation where all the pupils performed a dance and several songs, learned during the week, in front of parents.
All children and parents completed a survey at the end of the week helping us to assess the impact of the programme and to what extent our aims had been met.
Survey results confirm that this has been a sucessful and impactful scheme that provides much-need provision for local children during the summer holiday.
The feedback from Summer School partner pupils highlighted just what a good time children had. Many students mentioned swimming as their hightlight and appreciated the supportive environment created by the teachers. The presence of Year 9 students and engaging activities like murder mystery games were also mentioned. Suggestions for improvement included increasing the variety of activities, such as more drama sessions. Some students desired longer durations for Summer School or opportunities for older participants.
· "The teachers were nice and positive, Best summer school ever."
· "I loved maths because it was fun and Marc was so helpful, and I loved swimming because the instructors encouraged me."
· "Thank you for everything you have given us."
Partner Parents
· “The best thing was that my child had to meet people from other schools this enabled her to socialise and oh the food was star.” “Getting her out and mixing with others and participating in the activities this helped build her confidence”
· “An incredible opportunity he has asked if he can do it again next year”
· “The variety of subjects offers getting children really engaged and excited about learning”
· “Excellent organisation excellent activities excellent premises excellent teachers it was the best summer ever please keep going next year” “My son loved meeting new friends and all the exciting activities”
· “It has been amazing seeing how quickly Jack grew in confidence and to hear him talk about his new skills he's been learning this has been a genuine gift thank you”
Pupil Involvement
Years 3, 4 and 5 pupils from nine local state primary schools.