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Junior School STEM Outreach with Academy of Engineering

St Mary's Junior School hosted a STEM outreach day. We invited all Year 5 girls from Fulbourn Primary School to work alongside St Mary's Year 5 girls on a STEM project based on manufacturing paper aeroplanes. The event was organised by the Royal Academy of Engineering and their outreach officer at the University of Cambridge - Susannah Evans. 


The aim was to encourage girls in STEM and inspire and aid STEM teaching at Fulbourn Primary School. 


The partnership came about as a result of networking by the junior school head. He met the head of science at Fulbourn Primary School and they discussed teaching STEM. As St Mary's has a real strength in this area we decided to offer help through this day. 


St Mary's provded all respources, inclduing the use of facilities, transport to and from St Mary's and a school lunch for each child. 


It is hoped that Fulbourn Primary are able to implement some STEM lessons at their school. Indeed, as an extra the head of science at Fulbourn Primary came to St Mary's following the outreach day to observe a STEM lesson and then meet the STEM teacher - Tessa Shercliff. 

Pupil Involvement

The day was very well received. The girls enjoyed the project work and meeting new friends. It also inspired the head of science at Fulbourn Primary in his next steps in implementing STEM at Fulbourn. 


This was a single event.