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College Careers Countdown

Howell’s hosts an annual College Careers Countdown speed networking event for students in in and local secondary schools. Students have the opportunity to meet professionals from a variety of backgrounds.
The event begins with an informal mocktail reception before the speed-networking begins. Students spent ten minutes at five tables; each table is hosted by a professional and students are able to find out about the world of work and opportunities available for them.


To give secondary school students the opportunity to attend a careers networking event to gain an insight into a variety of career paths open to them before they begin in the sixth form.


• 4 members of Howell’s staff
• Refreshments
• Stress brains
• Stationery
• Venue – The Great Hall and the Day Room


As well as gaining an insight into different career options, the event helps students to develop networking, confidence and communication skills.

Pupil Involvement

Approximately 60 students attend this event.


It is an annual event which lasts for 2 hours.