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Year 5 Forensic Enquiry Day

A group of Year 5 girls were joined by their peers from Nash Mills C of E School to solve a forensic mystery surrounding the disappearance of a lab coat.  In the first session the teams worked through a number of key skills including chromatography and finger print lifting and analysis.  In the second session the teams were presented with a crime scene and they had to collect, analyse and present evidence in order to gain further information in order to identify the culprit. As a consequence of logical and critical analysis of the evidence Mr Lloyd was eventually caught and arrested for his crime!


To gain key scientific skills to help solve a mystery.
To use critical thinking and problem solving to apply the skills gained.
To work collaboratively in teams achieving a final aim.


The two schools have collaborated previously and after a positive experience in which pupils worked together, the senior science department wanted to offer an enrichment activity aimed at Year 5. 


The project was a huge success.  All pupils and staff taking part enjoyed the build-up of activities that gave the girls the skills to solve the mystery.  It was a wonderful example of applying scientific skills and problem solving to a ‘real life’ situation.