Sixth Form Teaching Assistant project
Ten sixth form volunteers have visited Queensway School every Thursday afternoon working as teaching assistants and helping with the afterschool club.
The aim of the project is to provide support and to enable the students of Tudor Hall to participate more fully in the Banbury community.
Queensway is a primary school in the immediate vicinity of Tudor Hall and the school has often been invited to primary days that have been offered at Tudor. The school was approached to see if they felt that they could benefit from having pupils on a weekly, on-going basis.
In an impact statement, Queensway stated that, 'The sixth form volunteers have been involved in many different ways within the classes; completing displays, preparing resources, supporting individual children in art and science, 1:1 reading and assisting staff making resources for class assemblies. They also helped in an after-school dance club. Their presence in the school meant that class teachers have been able to provide support for a greater number of children in the classroom in lessons such as science, art and PHSE. Having students who are willing to carry out reading activities is invaluable as some of our children do not read regularly at home with an adult and it has been great to be able to target more children in this way. Also it has been good for our children to talk and interact with people who may be from a different culture or background to them.'
Pupil Involvement
The students who volunteer are between the ages of 16-18 and they assist with all age ranges at Queensway.
This activity is on-going.