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Royal Society Partnership Grant Project in Materials Science

This project is shared between Bolton School Boys’ Division and Haslingden High School.

The Royal Society Partnership Grant scheme provides funding and support for school aged students to work with scientists in industry and academia on research projects.  Through our networks here at Bolton School we recruited a STEM partner to work with, the father of an Old Boy.  The project is assessing the environmental impact of disposable contact lenses and encompasses chemistry, materials science, optometry and data science.  To enhance the experience for all students we decided to seek a state school partner to join us in our project.


The aim of the project is to share expertise in STEM

Students in Rossendale are less well connected geographically to STEM networks which tend to be in urban centres.  Teachers in state schools may be less experienced in applying for funding regimes.  Haslingden High School has smaller numbers taking STEM subjects at A level so is less able to provide enrichment opportunities that may raise aspirations.

Strong networks in the chemistry education community, provided by Dr Turner’s role, are critical for project success.

Students at Haslingden High School have the immediate benefit of taking part in the project and using their experiences in reflections for e.g. their applications to university. Beyond the project lifespan, staff from Haslingden High School will gain experience of running enrichment projects with external partners including budgeting and logistics of external visits.


Dr Turner is very active in the local chemistry education community and had already worked with the link teacher at Haslingden High School.

The project began in September 2019.


Grant of £1925 will be shared with Haslingden High School through the provision of resources and travel costs

School laboratories.

Minibus for external trips.

2 x teaching staff (chemistry) and 1 x technician (chemistry).

Pupil Involvement

Bolton School students from Years 9-12 will be involved.

Year 12 students from Haslingden High School will be involved.


This is an ongoing (1 year) project.