Development of Anderton Centre Arts Curriculum
Exploring creative and cultural possibilities for cross-over work with adventure learning and the borough’s healthy schools planning.
To establish outdoor arts opportunities that combine arts, culture and wellbeing (physical and mental) as an efficient package for schools seeking arts and culture opportunities and partnership opportunities that offer good economic value / cover a range of needs.
Existing relationship with the centre for adventure and character learning. Bolton School suggested advocating for arts and culture provision, and to meet gap in market by offering timely response to current educational concerns and needs.
Staff time/cost of staff time, expertise and release from school and/or use of staff’s own time required to participate in the range of activities listed.
Extensive resources produced by staff to develop and augment each of the projects mentioned. If not resources produced, then project and event management skills shared.
Capturing impact of creative and cultural activities is a current area of growth. We are part of the RSA Cultural Evidence Champions to this end, developing methodology to capture quantitative information.
Artsmark advocacy and development is a key structural element behind out partnership work – staff enfranchised by Curious Minds (Arts Council Bridge) to present case studies at schools festivals and to contribute to their Leading the Arts course – developmental mastery of arts development including partnerships indicated by shift to sharing expertise with other school arts leaders.
Ongoing with intermittent focus on new projects within the continued partnership.