Promoting the Value of Drama, Music and the Arts to the Community
- Annually, 8 Dance shows and performances, 19 Drama productions and 50+ Music concerts and events are open to the public.
- The Atkinson Gallery exhibits five public exhibitions and private views annually.
- Our sculpture park is open to visitors all year round.
- Our half termly Tea and Dance performances are open to the public.
- A choral society is open to members of the local community, with weekly rehearsals run by our staff and an annual concert in Wells Cathedral. A performance to 800 people raised £2500+.
- Our International Concert Series features renowned international musicians. This includes an outreach event involving a workshop for local primary school children.
- Providing workshops for a local junior school of drawing, printing and ceramics with two artists, which resulted in an exhibition in the Atkinson Gallery foyer. 85 primary school children from Elmhurst Junior School attended drawing workshops.
- Sponsorship of events at the Wells Festival of Literature.
- £6000 raised for Save the Children A4 Art Project.
The aim of including the public in the audience and participation of these drama, music and arts events, is to promote the value of the arts within the local and wider community.
Various facilities are used, including the Johnson Hall, Meyer Theatre, Atkinson Gallery and Dance Studio. Teaching and non-teaching staff organise and supervise these events.
Ongoing events throughout the academic year.