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Partnering with State Schools

  • Millfield is committed to developing partnerships with state schools, and has opened much of our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme up to teachers from other schools.
  • Millfield Art Department and Lower Sixth BTEC pupils have been working collaboratively on a creative project with local junior school Elmhurst.
  • Year 8 pupils from the nearby St Dunstan’s School were invited to a three-day creative workshop at Millfield with our Lower Sixth Art Scholars.
  • Four local primary schools were invited to educational science days, including liquid nitrogren explosions for Elmhurst Year 6.
  • Two secondary schools took part in an Engineering Challenge workshop.
  • Cyber Security and Lego learning festivals for local secondary school pupils.
  • Inviting schools to attend lectures, conferences and competitions.
  • Robot Workshop with High Ham and Kingsbury Episcopi Primary Schools.
  • Outreach Tennis courses held at local primary schools.
  • Hosting the Somerset UK Chess Challenge and UKMT Team Maths Challenge regional final.
  • Hosting work experience for trainee teachers and providing initial teacher training in association with Mid-Somerset Consortium.
  • Providing facilities for SAT test candidates for US university entrance.
  • Taking local children and teachers to Worley Hill for guided walks and conservation experience.
  • Hosting pupils from Durrington High School for an afternoon of sports activities.
  • 60 pupils from St Dunstan's attended the Millfield Careers Day, with over 20 universities in attendance.


Ongoing partnerships.